
Welcome to Global Coders

Global Coders is a social effort focussed on student projects building computer systems for international development. This is a new initiative which aims to tap some of the talent available in our student bodies for social good and positive change.

More Information

You can find out more about the project on the about page.

Our latest news and updates are available on the news page.

Resources and information for different groups are available:

For Educators – are you interested in bringing your school, college, or class students into Global Coders?

For Students – are you a student interested in writing code to solve real-world problems in the developing world?

For Customers – are you someone in need of support with coding such as an NGO, government body of a developing country, someone in the development sector with a pressing need?

For anything not answered above or if you want to explore anything further please feel free to contact the Global Coders coordinator David Cutting (d.cutting@qub.ac.uk).