Global Coders is issuing a Call for Projects (CFP) for delivery during summer 2020.
Are you working in the developing/emerging world or in the international development sector and have an idea for a computer system (website, computer software, app, etc) that would be beneficial? Global Coders would love to hear from you and turn this into a reality. It doesn’t matter how unclear the idea is or how little (or much) you know about computing, just that you have a rough idea that would be beneficial.
We match projects with university students – the student gets great experience on a “real” system as well as academic credit and you get free work on your system.
We work with you to help refine your concept (following our process) and then will aim to turn this idea into reality.
If you think this might be of interest then please get in touch and let’s have a discussion.
Please feel free to pass this call for projects around your contacts.