
The Global Coders Process

The intention behind our process is to help ensure that projects are successful whenever possible. The process is fairly generic and a guide rather than anything rigidly adhered to.

Project Proposal

1. Initial Project Discussion

An initial discussion between Global Coders and a potential customer. This informal process will help to determine if the project has the potential to be suitable as a Global Coders project and help refine the vision.

Customers may have little to no technical knowledge of the types of solution which may be available so this could form part of the discussion at this stage (what might possible solution[s] look like, what might be possible, etc).

2. Initial Project Proposal

The customer will work with Global Coders to form an initial project proposal. Primarily this will consist of the problem that will be addressed and a very rough idea of the possible solution(s) that could address this. Some other information such as the intended users of the solution and any general constraints or relevant information may also be provided.

Included in the proposal will be commentary from the initial Global Coders analysis and discussion including, for the project to go ahead, a recommendation that it be considered further.

3. Domain Analysis

Global Coders will attempt to find and ask for input from a domain expert – someone with knowledge of the area (social/application not technical) in which the solution will be deployed. Examples might include primary education, hospital use, community healthcare, etc.

The domain expert will help refine the project proposal further to maximise impact and may be able to highlight challenges or even existing solutions. They will be asked for a recommendation as to whether the project should be considered further or referred back to the customer at this stage.

4. Technical Analysis

Global Coders will attempt to find and and ask for input from a relevant technical expert – someone with knowledge of software development within the technical area of the proposed solution(s). They will be asked to look at the feasibility of the idea as a student project, the proposed solution, any technical constraints, ongoing costs, and expected level of difficulty and effort.

They will also be asked for a recommendation as to whether the project should be considered further or referred back to the customer at this stage.

5. Finalised Proposal

Taking the original plan along with the input from the domain and technical experts where available a final proposal will be generated in consultation with the customer.

As much as possible this proposal will include firm prioritised requirements and details of any technical constraints, along with details of how students may or may not be able to consult with the customer during development.

Decisions will be made here as to the proposed level of the project (what stage of student would it be suited for) and how best to market the project (individual, group, etc). It may also be decided to offer the same project to different institutions and allow combined or individual efforts on the same outcome.

6. Project Available to Educators

The project is now defined and a “live” Global Coders project. Educators are notified and encouraged to include this project in their next rounds of student projects. They may also ask further questions to help refine the proposal further.


Once a student or student group has been assigned to the project, development will take place in accordance with their academic project structure which will vary from institution to institution.

An agreed timeline will be developed as part of the implementation plan and the customer given as a minimum some idea of milestones and expected delivery of intermediate and finished products.

Within the institution the project will run as a standard academic project.